Looking to Buy a New Construction Home? 5 Things to Consider

  1. Is the builder good?

Every new home development looks great as its being built. To get a true idea of how good the builder really is, take a look at communities that the same builder has built in the past, to see how the homes and community have stood up over the years. Talking to local homeowners about their experience with the builder is a great way to get more insight. 

  1. What’s included and what’s extra?

The builder’s model home may look like your dream home, but often, if not all the time, the model features top of the line materials, finishes and add ons to provoke its visitors into wanting the same thing, essentially costing you more money.

      Before you get too excited after seeing the model home, be sure to talk with a sales representative to see what is standard, and a detailed list of what features and finishes are extra and how much they cost.

  1. Can your dream become a reality?

Although this all may be possible, not all models or additions from certain builders can be added or customized to your liking. For example, you may be able to add that extra room for a home office in one model, but not the other. It is also possible you may not be able to build on a specific lot of land you’d prefer with the features or size home you desire.

Make sure you receive all this information from the builder before moving forward.

  1. What’s planned for the future?

Be sure to ask your agent questions and do your own research on any possible future developments near your new home. This will give you a sense of what your surroundings will look like in a few years. It would be highly unfortunate if you were to buy a house in a beautiful quiet lot, and a few years later they are taking away land from your backyard to extend a roadway, or building a large new shopping center.

  1. What does the warranty cover?

New construction homes often come with a builder’s warranty that covers any possible structural defects that may occur. Be sure to carefully check and see what exactly the warranty does and does not cover, how long the warranty coverage lasts, and what kind of structural defects the builder will address. Also, be sure to note if there are any individual warranties for products like roofs or windows.



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Golston Real Estate

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